Miniatures: Heroquest Zombie updated (Fred reborn)

Remember Fred, the first miniature I ever printed with an Ender 3? Well I've just stumbled over Fred for the new age. He's been re-imagined and with the chance to print this guy on a 32mm base, how could I resist?

This is the work of Monstrous Encounters, who reimagine minis for Warhammer, Dungeons and Dragons as well as Heroquest and I'm chuffed that there's extra dimensions going on for classic pieces. Fred here looks a bit fresher and less knock-kneed, making him far more dangerous to any idiot Barbarian coming to plunder any of my dungeons..

Learning my lesson from printing the original Fred, I made sure I resized Fred2 in Cura and decided that some kind of rotting floorboarded base would be a nice addition over the plain one. In another first I also rotated this guy to lay flat (printed separately from his base) and have the supports printed under him instead of standing him up on the base. Hilariously in the early stages, he looked like he'd been hit by a truck. 

When he was finished, from behind he looked like a reincarnation of Wyle Coyote after a piano was dropped on him from a great height.

But those supports were coming off anyway and the front was more important, where he's looking just like a cleaver holding zombie should, only like he's materialized through a wall.


He still needs a good file down to get rid of all the printing marks but he's going well so far!

At better quality than original Fred, he's painting up well too. I'm stoked with how he's coming along given my very rusty painting skills.

Now he's ready to shamble across even more tavern cellar floors, chopping at rats and any unfortunate adventurers stupid enough to get in his way!

And finally we can't have new Fred here without his original to compare too, so...


Zombie - Heroquest by DungeonWorks (Thingiverse) Free

Monstrous Encounters Patreon


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