Not all paints make a great base..


He looks like he's ready to bury his axe in my Rx7 there..

Oh god, what happened here exactly?

Now I'm a big fan of Citadel's Base Abaddon Black, using it ever since I got it free with a magazine about the Warhammer 40k universe (and it came with a couple of Space Marine/Astartes models too which was pretty cool). It paints on well, it's a solid base color and is easily painted over.

And I had high hopes for Game Color's Black too after great successes with a lot of the stuff in their range. Their Earth, Parasite Brown and Scarlet Blood are awesome paints and really strong colors. And then on occasion you get a thin blend which is what this is here - trying to use Game Color's Black as a base coat on this Chaos biker. The results as you can see...well I guess you could call the experiment interesting?

That's one layer of Game Color's black paint on a red 3d print. And now it looks like the biker has just roared through a massive vat of deeply dark treacle..

The problem is, it's just too thin. And it's not just the black that seems to have this problem - I have two shades of purple and one is a great thickness, the other super milky. Same with the lovingly called 'vomit' shade. It's nowhere near as thick as it should be. And by the looks of things, it's probably better as some kind of thin glaze effect then as a base black coat.

Although this thin layer will assist in filling in the slight printing groves which will help. 


-Shake the hell out of it. I'm guessing this has been on the game store shelf and after time has started to separate (I've noticed a few two-tone bottles there that definitely should have been one color not two..). I shook it for a few seconds but at least 30-60 should do the trick (or at least help).

-Squeeze a bit into a paint tray, some kind of non-porous surface and wait. After time it will start to dry up and your paint will become a little bit thicker. The downside to this is if you leave it too long, you'll only be able to use a small part of what hasn't dried yet.

-Base with something you know that works, either by brush or airbrush. As mentioned above, I'm a big fan of Citadel's Abaddon Black for this and while it's slightly more expensive than the Game Color version at least I know it works

-Add even more layers! Properly shaken and laid directly over the top of our red glazed black, things letter much better and ready for other colors!

Not as flat/matt black like it's Citadel cousin, as least we can paint on it from here.


There's a choice of two awesome models right here (Cults3d)


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