Tools: Paint stand/handle

Oh hey, my first useful printed tool!

Look, it's not 100% necessary but I figured some kind of tool to hold my models steady while I drown them in layer upon layer of acrylic might be useful with all the painting I'm doing and plan to do in the future, especially when there's not much grip happening base wise and my bad habit of dropping things when attempting finer detail. And when I saw this: 

I figured it would exactly what I needed! Luckily reddit user Calburi was very kind enough to share where he got it and the next morning, off we printed!

Definitely one of the fancier looking things to come out of the Ender this week..

Since it's more functional that showpiece, I opted for the lowest print settings because there's no point aiming for quality when it's just going to end up with paint, glue and other stuff all over it. One sliding brace worked fine, the other had a little hiccup when the tightening bands will go:

While you could use a small file to carve in a opening, less that 30 seconds with a small hand saw created enough room for a band to hang on.

Pretty, no but it was never meant to be. It's pure function baby!

Now that it's finished, let's see how we go...

Oh yes.

Oh hell yes!

This thing's awesome! Very awesome first tool!


Painting Handle V3.1 - Thingiverse


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